About Us
About APSE
A Political Science Experiment is a new kind of textbook designed to provide the highest quality learning materials at the lowest possible cost. Our chapters are written by over a dozen authors of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, all experts in their fields. For instructors, each chapter also includes lecture slides, video and film recommendations, assessment questions, discussion guides, and more. Our materials are:
Affordable— We sell our book by the chapter. Each chapter costs $1. There is no order minimum.
Modular— Students can purchase individual chapters at a time instead of the full book. Instructors are free to assign whichever chapters make sense for their course.
Dynamic— Our editorial team works with authors to update materials annually, from keeping datasets up to date to discussing current events.
Convenient— Students and instructors alike access their materials directly through our site, along with more options to read via desktop and mobile apps. With the Bookshelf digital reader, you can highlight, annotate, create flash cards, and look up unfamiliar terms with ease.
Instructors: To adopt APSE for your course simply register as an instructor on the home page, let us verify you, and browse through all our chapters. You can assign any or all of the chapters by title, then instruct your students to create their own accounts on the ASE website.
Students: To purchase APSE for your class just register as a student on the home page, and add each chapter you’ve been assigned to your cart from the “Chapters” page. Once you purchase each chapter, you will be able to read it on that chapter’s product page.
Our Authors

Beyond (Oxford University Press, 2020) co-authored with Kevin Deegan-Krause.

Professor of Methodology at the London School of Economics. Among other publications he is coauthor (with Norman Schofield) of Multiparty Politics (republished in 1998 by University of Michigan Press) and (with Kenneth A. Shepsle) of Making and Breaking Governments (Cambridge University Press, 1996)..