
The authors of the chapters below are some of the most creative teachers and best writers in sociology. Our goal is to illuminate the central ideas of sociology through stories and examples taken from interesting research, from the news headlines, and from our everyday lives. We have committed to making the material available to you for $1 per chapter.

Even at that low cost, we realize it may be a challenge for some to purchase all of the chapters. If you are facing difficult financial circumstances and can’t afford to pay $1 for each chapter, email us and we’ll work something out.

When you register as a student, you will have access to a study guide for every chapter, including interactive questions and puzzles to remember key people and concepts. Be sure to find out which chapters your instructor is assigning, and make your way to the Chapters page to add them to your cart.

We hope you find the ideas and insights in these chapters as captivating as we do.


Part 1: Thinking Like Sociologists

A Sociology Experiment (Introduction)

Research Methods

Social Structure and the Individual


Part 2: The Organization of Society

Social Class, Inequality, and Poverty


Gender and Sexuality

Race and Ethnicity


Part 3: Our Social Worlds

Sociology of Families

Sociology of Education

Sociology of Religion

Political Sociology

Immigration and Urbanization

Deviance, Crime, and Violence

Economic Sociology

Health and Illness

Environmental Sociology